Sunday, October 06, 2013

30 Days of Gratitude - Day 6 - Pets & Wildlife

"The pleasure and simplicity, awe and inspiration of our companions on this earth give us a great deal. This is an opportunity to give back."

Relatively speaking, I'm a new dog owner.  Fortunately for both Scooby and me, Scooby wasn't a new dog when I got him.  I got him in late January - and looking back, the first walks were all a bit tentative.  I was perplexed to start - at how many people stopped to say hello and to let our dogs greet one another.  Even a gentleman driving down the street pulled over to give him a look-see and a pat on the head. 

The following summer we'd walk past a yard with foster dogs.  They were small, but noisy. I'd always speed up and try to get Scooby past there quickly - so he wouldn't be scared.  One day it occurred to me that maybe Scooby wasn't scared.  I didn't speed up, but instead let Scooby lead.  He actually slowed down, got his nose as close as he could to the chain link fence, and touched noses with a couple of the dogs.  They settled down, and we were on our way.

Of the many things I'm grateful about my wee doggie Scooby, the top two are the people he has helped me to meet, and for reminding me that it doesn't matter who you are - regardless of whether or not you have opposable thumbs - if I am humble, I can learn from you.

Thanks Dude.

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